Vital Chiropractic Mill Creek Clinic Doctors

Vital Chiropractic Mill Creek Doctors

Dr. Ewen Macaulay DC and Dr. Belinda Eddy DC attended Palmer College of Chiropractic West in CA, where they earned their Doctor of Chiropractic degree and graduated in 1998. After fulfilling post-graduate work they began practicing in the Mill Creek and Lynnwood area then opened Vital Chiropractic Mill Creek Clinic in 2003. They have been practicing for over 13 years.

Side by side Dr. Macaulay and Dr. Eddy, care for many patients and their office has a family-friendly environment and sees infants, children, and teenagers along with their parents and grandparents. They have done extensive post-graduate work in nutrition and the care of complicated cases, auto injuries, work injuries, and sports injuries

Their success is due to their philosophies of living a wellness lifestyle and how they implement them in their practice as well as in their own lives. They truly believe that a higher quality of life can be achieved with chiropractic, exercise, proper diet, and stress reduction.

Begin Your Journey With Chiropractic Care in Mill Creek

By beginning your care with Vital Chiropractic Mill Creek, you are taking the right step towards great health.

“Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Give our office a call and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.”